Empty Nesters
The most exciting musical moments occur at crossroads: the conscious mingling with the unconscious, new methods being layered on top of abandoned structures. Empty Nesters, the project of Chinese–Canadian artist Eric Liao, emerges from the synthesis of various sonic ventures. Swinging between blistering warehouse punk rock and stylized art rock, Empty Nesters conveys an idiosyncratic vision fashioned out of Montreal's abundant kinetic energy. An unfathomable force, Liao has released 8 EP’s over 5 years, each bursting with distortion, live intensity, and a DIY ethos. His songwriting turns inward, and in the search for understanding and self-actualization, probes themes of isolation, addiction, anger, and familial trauma. What may seem too dark or too depressing is reimagined into relatable and engaging experiences. What is scary and uncertain gives way to beauty and form.

Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada
On the unceded territory of the Wolastoqiyik and Mi’kmaq Peoples
Buy your early bird pass
$20 Early bird weekend pass $10 Friday only $15 Saturday only
Very limited number of passes available - individual day tickets on sale Friday Sept 20