Safer Spaces Policy


FLOURISH Festival operates on the unsurrendered and unceded traditional lands of the Wolastoqiyik peoples. Signed in 1725, the Peace and Friendship Treaties established Mi'kmaq and Wolastoqiyik title over these lands, and provided rules for ongoing relations between nations. We are living on stolen land.

We are committed to creating an environment that both honours and respects the Indigenous peoples of this region, and to be stewards of the land by ensuring that FLOURISH is an inclusive, equitable space for building community through art and music.


Everyone has the right to feel safe and included at FLOURISH Festival events - regardless of ancestry, colour, family status, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, physical body, exceptionality, place of origin, race, religious beliefs, sexual orientation or source of income.

To this end, we have developed a policy and plan to help foster safer and more inclusive spaces - digital and physical. This document is intended to be a guide for our staff and governing bodies, volunteers, partner venues and audience members, and will be updated on an ongoing basis to ensure it meets the needs of our community.

All policies and codes of conduct outlined in further detail later in this document, but here are some guiding expectations for FLOURISH 2024.

Of our festival, we expect: a fun, carefree environment where folks of all backgrounds and lived experiences can enjoy and share art, music and community.

Of our artists, we expect: beautiful and creative performances/pieces that hold space for dialogue, share stories, broaden horizons, and unite rather than alienate.

Of our staff, we expect: hard and honest work completed in order to bring more art and creativity into the greater community, fostering inclusion, equity and friendship while remaining open to criticism and dialogue; to facilitate a festival environment that is ethically responsible, safe and more accessible year over year.

Of our volunteers, we expect: a willingness to work in a supportive learning environment, offering up time and talents to further the local arts community’s capacity and output.

Of our venue & community partners, we expect: care and collaboration with FLOURISH in order to ensure a cohesive and singularly positive experience for all patrons, artists and team members that interact with their environments and products.

Of our audiences, we expect: open hearts and minds, willingness to share and learn, kindness and consideration of all body/minds that share the festival environment; we want you to feel free to make new friends, think new thoughts, and have new experiences, while being conscious and kind to yourself and those around you.


FLOURISH does not own or regularly operate any of the venues used for the festival, and relies on venue partners to implement a successful event. In many cases, the execution of this safer spaces policy is dependent on participation from our partners.

Still, there may be moments throughout the festival in which this policy is not executed perfectly. Flourish commits to working with venue partners to foster safer spaces in their venues, and providing resources and volunteers when possible to execute this policy in each participating venue. In the case of a venue violating or failing to uphold this policy, Flourish Festival may terminate a venue partnership, at the discretion of Flourish staff and in consultation with survivors when possible.

Second chances may be offered on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of Flourish staff. Any decision to offer a second chance will be made in consultation with survivors when possible.


FLOURISH Festival aligns itself with partners that uphold similar values and conduct as it relates to inclusion, diversity, anti-racism, accessibility and the fostering of safer spaces. To this end, Flourish may terminate partnerships that are not built on shared values and mutual respect. Flourish may terminate partnerships with businesses and groups that are found to use exclusionary or discriminatory practices in their operations or hiring practices, that uphold abusive or otherwise violent people, have a history of harmful behaviours toward underserved populations, support political groups that actively hinder global peace and equity, or otherwise counter the creation of safer spaces within our community.


FLOURISH Festival will not tolerate abusive, discriminatory or disrespectful behaviour or language from staff members (including interns). FLOURISH makes a concerted effort to ensure that at least half of its staff have undergone Project Soundcheck training (see below) and that all staff members are familiar & in agreement with this Safer Spaces policy. Throughout the festival, Flourish staff are expected to adhere to the Safer Spaces policy and fulfill their role in ensuring that attendees/patrons, artists and venues are likewise adhering to the policy.

If a staff member is found to be in violation of this policy, either through failing to uphold specific duties related to safety, or through using language or actions deemed abusive, discriminatory or otherwise harmful, FLOURISH Festival may place the staff member on immediate leave or terminate employment. Any decision to terminate an employee will be made on a case-by-case basis (in consultation with survivors when possible).

Second chances may be offered on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of Flourish (in consultation with survivors when possible).

In 2023, FLOURISH created a Safer Spaces Coordinator position, to create a clear chain of communication for issues related to safety, inclusion and accessibility. For 2023, their name is Penelope Stevens (she/they) and you can reach them at leading up to and throughout the festival.

At least one designated staff member will be avaliable and prepared to respond to safety concerns at all times throughout the festival. Most of the time this will be our Safer Spaces Coordinator, but may be another staff member to provide proper rest. This staff member will have access to a list of emergency contacts, safety resources as well as the Safer Spaces policy.


FLOURISH Festival will not tolerate abusive, disrespectful or discriminatory behaviour or language from attendees/patrons. Such behaviour and language is grounds for removal from all events, and may result in a revocation of a festival pass, a permanent ban or engaging in restorative processes as seen fit by FLOURISH. All online ticket pages link to our Safer Spaces policy, with the expectation that by purchasing a ticket, patrons agree to abide by the policy.

If you witness abusive or discriminatory behaviour at any FLOURISH Festival event, please speak with a staff member or volunteer, or e-mail

FLOURISH Festival staff and/or venue staff have the authority to remove offenders from the physical or digital venue without any refund or other form of compensation. The safety of survivors is always our primary consideration, and any decision to remove or permanently ban an offender will be made on a case-by-case basis (in consultation with survivors when possible).

Attendees who have been removed or banned from FLOURISH events may be given contact information for the John Howard Society and Fredericton Addictions & Mental Health Services, which they may choose to approach for educational resources and guidance on next steps. As the safety and comfort of survivors is our primary concern, steps taken with these organizations or through other methods does not guarantee that offenders will be permitted to attend FLOURISH events in the future.

Second chances may be offered on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of FLOURISH and the venue management and staff (in consultation with survivors when possible).

Please note: We are an extremely small staff and do not have the human resources to guarantee an immediate response to concerns about a person’s history or prior allegations. Regardless of timing, we will try to address all concerns as efficiently as possible.

We do not have the expertise or authority to mediate conflicts or provide advice on conflict or crisis resolution.


FLOURISH Festival will not tolerate abusive, discriminatory, or disrespectful behaviour or language from artists. Artists with a history of abusive or discriminatory behaviour - or behaviour that is otherwise deemed detrimental to the creation of safer spaces - are not upheld by Flourish Festival. All programming decisions are made in consideration of these concerns using the fullest extent of our knowledge. Please understand that with our small staff and limited human resources, there may be instances in which information has been missed.

All artists are provided with the Safer Spaces Policy ahead of time, with the explicit understanding that they read & agree to abide by the policy through the duration of the festival.

We reserve the right to cancel any performance, without payment or other compensation, from an artist who we believe to have a history of abusive or discriminatory behaviour, or behaviour that is otherwise deemed detrimental to the fostering of safer spaces. Any decision to cancel an artist will be made on a case-by-case basis in consultation with survivors when possible.

Cancelled local artists may be given contact information for the John Howard Society of Fredericton Mental Health & Addiction Services, which they may approach for educational resources and guidance on next steps. As the safety and comfort of survivors is our primary concern, any steps taken with these organizations does not guarantee that a cancelled artist will be invited to participate in Flourish Festival in the future.

Second chances may be offered on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of Flourish Festival staff (in consultation with survivors when possible).

We do not have the expertise or authority to mediate conflicts or provide advice on conflict or crisis resolution.


FLOURISH Festival will not tolerate abusive, discriminatory, or disrespectful behaviour or language from volunteers. Volunteers with FLOURISH Festival are expected to familiarize themselves with the FLOURISH Festival Safer Spaces policy and, whenever possible, have undergone Project Soundcheck training (see below).

If a volunteer is found to be in violation of this policy, either through failing to uphold specific duties related to safety, or through using language or actions deemed abusive, discriminatory or otherwise harmful, FLOURISH Festival may remove the volunteer from their position and any future position at the festival. Any decision to terminate a volunteer position will be made on a case-by-case basis (in consultation with survivors when possible).

Second chances may be offered on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of FLOURISH Festival staff (in consultation with survivors when possible).


Offensive attire, including (but not limited to) hate symbols or culturally appropriative attire, is not welcome at FLOURISH Festival. Such attire may be grounds for removal from the venue and a revocation of a festival pass.

If you have concerns about offensive attire at FLOURISH, please speak with a staff member or e-mail All incidents will be addressed on a case-by-case basis. FLOURISH staff have the authority to remove offenders from the venue. Any decision to ban an offender is at the discretion of FLOURISH staff and the venue management.


Many FLOURISH Festival staff have undergone Project Soundcheck training provided by Sexual Violence New Brunswick. Project Soundcheck provides Bystander Intervention training to help prevent sexual harassment and assault. Their Bystander Intervention training offers the practical skills needed to recognize when and how to help when witnessing power-based violence.

FLOURISH Festival will make a concerted effort to train all staff bi-annually through Project Soundcheck, ensuring that at least half of current staff have received the training at the time of the festival. Staff members that have not received this training are instructed to direct any concerns, incidents or issues to an appropriately trained staff member immediately.


FLOURISH Festival encourages partner venues to demarcate their washrooms as gender neutral throughout the duration of Flourish events. For venues in which this is not feasible or possible, venues are encouraged to designate at least 1 washroom in the vicinity as accessible for all genders.


Bag checks are completed at the entrance of FLOURISH events as needed, in partnership with the host venue. Refusal to have your bag checked may result in a refusal of entry.


FLOURISH Festival endeavours to partner with venues that have considered physical and socioeconomic accessibility in their operational plans. Accessibility notes are made in public event listings for the event, including access to washrooms and other public areas of the venue.

It is possible that not all Flourish venues will be physically accessible on a given year. If you have questions regarding venue accessibility, please email our Safer Spaces Coordinator or consult the FAQ & Accessibility page on our website.

FLOURISH Festival will have all available accessibility notes listed on our website as well as event and ticket pages well in advance of the festival. Artists and performers will also be provided with accessibility notes and have an opportunity to disclose accessibility requirements in advance of the festival.

Further accessibility details can be found on our website FAQ page and on individual ticketing and event pages.


Flourish does not condone the use of illegal substances. The use of illegal substances at FLOURISH events may result in the removal or permanent ban of an attendee.

The use of illegal substances to facilitate power-based violence is highly prohibited at Flourish Festival. If you see anyone tampering with another person’s beverage, please speak to a Flourish or venue staff member or volunteer immediately and alert the affected if safe/possible. The use of illegal substances to facilitate power-based violence will result in immediate expulsion from the venue. Further actions, including a permanent ban, a festival ban, or police reporting, will be made on a case-by-case basis, in consultation with the survivor when possible.


In keeping with provincial law & municipal policy, the consumption of marijuana or tobacco is not permitted within 9 metres of venue entrances.


Flourish Festival makes use of a variety of venues and spaces - some of which are licensed to serve alcohol. Wet/dry, all-ages/19+ or other details about alcohol availability at each venue will be made public prior to the event. Regardless of license, non-alcoholic beverage options will be available at all venues. Water is always provided free of charge.

Musicians requiring sobriety support may take advantage of the ECMA’s Wellness program and Peer Support programs, including a sobriety support group (​​


Throughout the festival, if you witness or experience an incident, or otherwise need support, please speak to a venue or festival staff member to be directed to the Safer Spaces representative on site, or contact the Safer Spaces Coordinator directly (for 2023 - or 506.471.8440). Although our staff is extremely small, we will make every effort to respond as efficiently as possible.

If you need access to a quiet, private space for any reason related to prior trauma, triggering incidents, mental illness or social anxiety, please speak to a festival staff member to be escorted/accompanied to a quiet space (when possible). The Charlotte Street Arts Centre will have a designated low-sensory room for those requiring a break, and all efforts will be made to provide a similar space at other festival venues.


  • Sexual Violence New Brunswick provides a toll-free, confidential, 24-hour sexual violence support line: 506-454-0437 For other information or less immediate/urgent support, visit
  • AIDS New Brunswick can provide support for harm reduction: 1-800-561-4009
  • Newcomer services and support:
  • Looking Out for Each Other (Missing & Murdered Indigenous Families In Need of Direction): 1-833 664-3463.
  • New Brunswick Human Rights Commission: 1-888-471-2233 (Monday to Friday)
  • The John Howard Society promotes and supports healthy and safe communities, by mobilizing partners and engaging families and individuals, while addressing the social conditions that give rise to crime:
  • Fredericton Addictions & Mental Health Services: 506-453-2132 or visit in person at 65 Brunswick St (Monday to Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm)
  • 211 is Canada’s primary source of information for government and community-based, non-clinical health and social services. You can access information and referrals to a variety of community and social resources by dialing 211.
  • In case of an emergency please call 911.