Rebel Femme Productions Present: Concrete & Plaster @Bellwether

7:30 - 9:30 PM Thursday 20 June FREE

  • All Ages

Free and all ages. No pre-registration is required.

Doors at 7:30, show at 8.

colleen coco collins: 8-8:30 Concrete & Plaster: 8:45-9:15

Concrete & Plaster is a site-specific play by Fredericton-based theatre artist Neomi Iudit. The piece reflects on the meaning of home through a Queer immigrant perspective.

Having yet again argued with their partner about moving to a bigger city, Jake is anxious to finish up their shift at a local vintage consignment store and hurry home to try and smooth things over. Minutes before they can finally turn the open sign, one of the store’s regular patrons walks in and refuses to leave. Nestled among piles of garments and knickknacks looking for their next home, the two grapple with the prospect of detaching from hard-earned familiarity and connection in favor of something completely unknown.

Installations and featured work by Laurel Green, Kayleigh Saad, Rana Abbout and Chantelle Paiu

Please review the accessibility information at the bottom of this page. This is not a physically accessible venue. We’re asking attendees to wear face masks throughout the event to make the space more inclusive, especially for immunocompromised show-goers.



384 Queen Street, E3B 1B2

We are finalising full accessibility information for this venue. All events at this venue will be accessible for all ages.

Masks are required in our festival spaces in this venue (Bellwether, and encouraged throughout the wider building). Masks and hand sanitizer will be available at no cost.
This is not a physically accessible venue (up one large flight of stairs).