Claire Turnbull
Claire Turnbull is a Moncton-based singer-songwriter and classically-trained flutist, turning stories into folk songs about people, places, and things. She is an emerging artist, who recently moved to the Maritimes and uses her attic as a recording space. She works with Zach Bachand on electric guitar and pedal steel and Jaeyoung Chong on cello. Her project began while working her way through the darkest months of 2020. Her first EP 'Falter' came to fruition while gazing out at the lake from her partner and also bandmate Zach's childhood bedroom. These first few songs explore the unexpected feeling of meeting someone new, the weight lifted off your shoulders after finally letting something go, and that sting in the corner of your eye when you’re really missing home.

Saturday, June 18

Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada
On the unceded territory of the Wolastoqiyik and Mi’kmaq Peoples
Buy your early bird pass
$20 Early bird weekend pass $10 Friday only $15 Saturday only
Very limited number of passes available - individual day tickets on sale Friday Sept 20